A chignon that won’t give you a headache
The deliberately dishevelled trend is more than just loose hair. There’s no need to let your long bob down and let it lounge around your shoulders for a tousled effect. To get a rock ‘n’ roll look with a lovely long neck and without a lock of loose hair in your face, go for the dishevelled chignon. Sophistication and a laid-back attitude have come to the party!
A chignon that lengthens the line
Delicately wild, with as much volume as you like, this dishevelled bun suits all hair types. However, according to L’Oréal Professionnel hair stylist Delphine Courteille, it’s best avoided for those with long-shaped faces, as the style naturally lengthens both the neck and face.
Much more than backcombing …
It’s true that for a stylish dishevelled topknot, an expert backcomb is necessary, but that’s not all. Delphine Courteille’s top tip for this rebellious chignon? ‘Once the chignon is pinned in place, I give the hair a quick blow-dry on a cold setting, to add volume and mess it up just a little bit more.’